【同义词辨析】 2017-09-01 原谅excuse-forgive

excuse: may refer to overlooking of specific acts esp. in social or conventional situations: ~ an interruption.

condone: implies that one passes over a behavior, such as dishonesty or violence, that seriously breaches moral, ethical or penal code: a society that ~ alchcol but not drugs.

pardon: implies that one remits(注1) a penalty due for an admitted or established offence and refrains from exacting punishment: ~ a criminal.

forgive: implies one gives up all claim to requital, and all resentment, or desire for revenge: ~ their previous lapses.

excuse原谅: 忽略社交场合行为, condone纵容: 原谅严重违反法律伦理道德,pardon宽恕: 原谅确定有罪的人, forgive原谅: 这个词表示不但不惩罚,而且不再心怀怨恨或报复心。

注1: remit有两个意思,1)汇款, 2)免除、宽恕                                      

记忆方法: 1)四个词的基本意思是:不要求惩罚赔偿(to exact neither punishment nor redress)

         2)首字母联想: ECPF想象成CPEF裁判已疯-->原谅他。

         3) 原谅的意思是即不要求惩罚赔偿mean to exact neither punishment nor redress.